Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Is this fair?

I am petitioning for my sister, her husband, and three children to come to the United States. I filed a petition in May 2006, and still have not heard anything from the Immigration and Naturalization Service. I contacted them and they said "It will take between 10 to 12 years." My sister's oldest daughter is 14 years old, and she can not get a visa if she reaches 21. She will have to wait for her mother or father to file an other petition for her. She will be almost 30 years old by the time she is granted for Visa. Is this fair that we have to wait this long?


  1. I don't know a lot about immigration, but if you want to bring your sister it will take longer because those types of visas fall under the lowest priorty. The visas that get the fastest action are those visas that allow you to bring your son/daughter/spouse. There is a website that you can look at. It also depends on what country they are coming from. Mexico is the top country that submitts visas. They have the longest waiting list! A couple of million people on it.


    I know it's not right... I might considering bringing a spouse along with her on to the USA, surely that would be an emotional wait!

  2. I am so sorry you have to wait so long.
    Can you talk with a local congressperson?

    Unbelievable....you wait, through the legal progess, and thousands come illegally, and COMPLAIN. Really crazy.

    Talk to your local representative!!!
    Why not??

  3. Those that come here ''illegally'' will face the consequences one day. They will face the reality of being illegal. They won't be able to work, they won't be able enjoy American life because of FEAR!

    Those that come legally have the opportunity to strive in this country. Those that come illegally come with the notion that everything will be great, but they soon find out otherwise.

    I really don't like the term ''illegal'' its just to demeaning. I prefer the word undocumented.

  4. I prefer the term Illegal, since it describes exactly what they are. They are breaking the law by trespassing on someone else's property, the US in this case. It is legally correct though not white-gloved Politically Correct. I won't make exceptions or soften my words for those who refuse to respect the laws of this country.

    In response to your post, no it is not fair. Unfortunately, it may be even more unfair when Obama attempts to push for amnesty for the illegal immigrants already here. It just doesn't seem to make sense to make thousands of people who go through the legal process wait many years to even step foot here, while thousands of trespassers can not only step foot here, but eventually become legal.

    Not to encourage any law-breaking here, but it seems like the backdoor is much faster...

  5. It's no fair, but it is the rule. I heard that before. Your sister can try to apply "Diversity Visa Lottery" online while she is waiting, it opens in the begining of October and ends in the end of November. (http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/types/types_1322.html#2)If she is lucky, she may come to US soon.
